Setting up Benchmarks Based on Allocation Targets
If you have allocation targets set up for your clients, you also have the option to set up benchmarks based on those targets. The percentage weight in each benchmark is calculated based on the allocation targets. For example, if you set up allocation targets for 50% US stock and 50% bond, you will have the option to display a benchmark based on that asset class mix.
Step 1: Set allocation targets for clients
Follow the steps here
Step 2 (optional): Create an allocation model
Follow the steps here
Step 3: Customize the benchmark for each asset class
First, access the Allocation Settings page by clicking on "View Holdings" on the advisor dashboard
Select "Benchmarks" on the Allocation Settings tab
Then use the drop down boxes to customize the benchmark. A default benchmark has already been selected for each default asset class.
Step 4: Enable benchmarks based on allocation targets for the client
From your advisor dashboard, access the Client Portal Settings by clicking on "Manage Clients"
Click "Manage" or "Assign" next to the client that you want to edit
Click the checkbox shown below:
A benchmark will now show on performance reports, whether it's generated in the client portal, or it's generated through a .pdf report. The mix of benchmarks is determined by the allocation targets set for the client.
Please note, Benchmark data for ETFs represents the "total return" for the ETF, which includes the effect of dividends, splits, etc.