Report Center: Generate Reports Across Multiple Clients
Blueleaf's Report Center allows you to customize the layout of your PDF reports, generate a preview of the report across multiple clients, as well as sending the reports through document sharing. You can access the report center by clicking Reports at the top of the advisor dashboard.
Generate a preview across your reports
Start by configuring the reporting settings for each of your clients:
- Select the date range that you want to run the reports for
- Included: If checked, the client's report will be generated in the preview
- Report on: Select the group of accounts or specific account that you want to run the report on
- Report template: Choose the layout that the client's report will use
- Intro message: If the report template includes an intro message module, you will have the option to use the standard message, or to personalize the intro message.
When you have completed configuring the report settings, click "Save Changes"
Next, click "Generate Preview" to generate the reports for all selected clients
Click "View Preview" to view the reports
After reviewing your reports, you can click "Send Reports" to upload each report to the client's document sharing folder. If you have document sharing alerts set up, the client will get an email to inform them of the new report.
Schedule a report preview
You can choose to generate previews automatically at the end of every month, quarter or year. When Blueleaf's data processing is complete, you will get an email notification when the report preview is ready to review.