Manage Templates for Automated Client Emails

Blueleaf's automated client emails can be customized to provide more context around weekly or monthly account changes.

To get started, navigate to the "email settings" tab under "manage clients"

Manage Client Email Settings

The email settings page allows you to update how each client is configured:

  • Frequency: determines how often the email is sent to the client (weekly, monthly or none).
  • Report On: filters which accounts are shown in the email. You can select "managed only" to exclude held-away accounts, or select a specific group.
  • Email Template: determines the layout of the email. You can create your own template (more details below) or select from one of the pre-generated templates.

To preview what the client's email will look like, click the preview icon in the email template column

Create a new email template

To customize the layout of the automated client email, start by clicking "manage email templates"

Next, click "create new"

Then you'll have some options to customize the email template. The preview on the right hand side will give you a rough idea of the layout using dummy data.

Display up to 4 summary metrics, among the following options:

  • Total $ Change: the balance change between two dates
  • Market $ Change: the investment gain/loss for the period (not including deposits/withdrawals)
  • Plan % Success: The probability of success for the client's financial plan (available with the RightCapital integration)

Configure how to display the investment value:

  • Simple: beginning and ending balance only
  • Detailed: includes a breakdown of the balance change, based on new accounts, cashflows and market changes
  • Detailed with Comparison: compare the balance change between two date ranges

If the date range says "based on client setting", it means it will show the weekly or monthly change, depending on the client's email frequency.

When you're done customizing, give the template a name, then click "save".

Managing existing templates

You can edit or remove existing templates back on the templates list page

You also have the option to set a default template for any report templates that you created. This will automatically apply the template to all clients, unless the client has already been assigned a different template.

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