Blueleaf Billing: Calculating a termination fee or refund

When a client relationship terminates, or an account transfers out, you can calculate the partial fee (billing in arrears) or refund (billing in advance) for the portion of the billing period you managed the account.

1. Go to the fees tab

2. Scroll over the pencil icon next to the client and click "view client details"

3. A screen will pop out from the right, scroll down until you see a list of accounts within the household.

4. Click the pencil icon next to the account you want to terminate.

5. Click "terminate" 

6. On the next page, you can select an "end billing date". The page will also show details on the billable amount and the prorated fee or refund calculated.

7. Click "apply fee"

8. There will be a popup to confirm which account you wish to debit the fee from. By default, it will debit from the same account, but you can select a different account if needed.

9. To view the invoice and payment file for this terminated client, you will need to select the next billing cycle. For example, if the "April Cycle" is your current billing cycle, you would need to select the "July Cycle" to see the termination fee/refund.

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