Blueleaf Billing: Verifying Fee Calculations

There are a few options within Blueleaf Billing to help you to verify any fee calculations.

If you scroll over the pencil icon next to the household name, and select "view fee calculation", this will give you information on how the fee was calculated.

There will be 4 columns available on the next screen: billable value, quarterly rate, quarterly fee and debit amount. Clicking any of these options will reveal more information on each aspect of the fee calculation, and will include details on any adjustments made to calculation.

For more details on the billable value, you also have the "view asset values" option.

The next screen will allow you to drill down, and see the holdings that make up the billable value on an account. There's also a "view in excel" option for further details.

If you adjust your fee for deposits and withdrawals, there will be an additional option to "view flows" for a client.

The next screen will detail any adjustments made to billing calculations, due to deposits and withdrawals during the billing period.

If you have any questions or encounter any problems while completing these steps, contact us at
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