Blueleaf Billing: Selecting a Client for Check or Debit

This article covers the steps for selecting a client to Check or Debit. Clients set to Debit will be included on the .csv file you send to your custodian so the fees can be withdrawn from their accounts automatically, while clients set to Check will be excluded from this .csv file and instead the fee will appear on their client invoice as a payable amount.

Clients are set to Debit as a default.

1. Click on the "Fees" tab

2. Scroll over the pencil icon next to the household name, and select "View Client Details"

3. A screen will pop out from the right, click the Pencil Icon next to "Client Details.

4. Under "Payment Type" you can toggle between "Debit" and "Check", whichever is in green is the one currently selected. Press save after any changes are made.

If you have any questions or run into any problems completing these steps, please reach out to
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