Setting up Blended Benchmarks

This article will show you how to create a blended benchmark to use in Blueleaf.

To create a blended benchmark, comprised of several individual benchmarks with associated percentage weights, start by clicking  Manage Clients on the advisor dashboard

Then click on  Client Portal Settings


Create a new blended benchmark

To start, click  Manage or Assign in your client portal settings (clients will show "manage" if they have an existing benchmark setting)

Click Create Blended Benchmark

Use the drop down menu to select the benchmarks you want to include, and enter the percentage weight in each benchmark

After adding all the benchmarks, and when the percentages add to 100%, enter a name for the new blended benchmark and click Save Benchmark


Assign the blended benchmark to clients

If you need to, you can use the "Back to Household" link to return to the screen where you assign benchmarks

Now use the drop down menu to select the blended benchmark you created. You can do the same thing for any other clients that you want to assign the blended benchmark to.

Click Apply Benchmarks to save changes


Edit an existing blended benchmark

Use the "edit" link next to the blended benchmark to make changes to percentages or benchmark selections

You can also delete the saved blended benchmark, which will also remove it for all clients.

Please note, Benchmark data for ETFs represents the "total return" for the ETF, which includes the effect of dividends, splits, etc.


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