Why we deliver support "email first"

You may have noticed that at Blueleaf, you're more likely to hear from our support team via email then via phone, and you may be wondering why. It’s not that we don't want to talk to you - we do. We've found that email support actually delivers the best experience for you. Here's why:


Email support saves you time
Call centers suck. Once you’re done waiting to speak with someone, a lot of time is spent gathering basic details before someone solves your issue. Our average response time during regular business hours is often under 10 minutes. Providing a few simple details over email helps us to research your issue before starting a phone call. Often we can resolve the issue or provide actionable steps with a few details. If we still need to hop a phone call, it means that less time is spent on the phone finding out what is happening, and more time is spent on the solution.


Your issue gets into the right hands faster
Knowing a few details about your issue from an email will also help us to direct you to the right Blueleaf expert, and pull in additional team members as necessary. The faster we can get that issue to the right team member, the faster we can get the problem solved.


Often technical details are better communicated over email
Sometimes our team may ask for a screenshot or a webpage URL to understand your issue better. Email is the best way to communicate these details


Emails provide a point of reference
Ever get off the phone and say “ugh, I wish I had written that down”? Email helps to prevent that feeling. When you email us, we see a history of your previous issues, which means we understand the context of how you use Blueleaf, and what is most important to you. You can also refer to past emails from us to access the support resources that are most important to you.

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