Blueleaf Billing: Syncing with your Blueleaf Dashboard

This article covers the general steps that you need to take at the end of the billing period to generate your fee calculations through Blueleaf Billing.

Syncing with Blueleaf - Clients & Accounts

You can complete steps 1 - 3 at any time before or after the end of the billing period, to ensure all clients and accounts are imported to Blueleaf Billing.

1. Click the "clients" tab 

2. Click "sync clients & accounts"

3. Click the Blueleaf button to initiate the sync

This process will check Blueleaf for any new clients or accounts, or any changes to existing accounts. If there are any changes listed, make sure to click "apply changes"

Syncing with Blueleaf - Asset Values

For steps 4 - 6, to ensure there was enough time for Blueleaf to update your account data, we recommend that you complete this after 1pm Eastern Time on the 1st day following the end of the billing period.

4. Go to the "fees" tab

5. Click "sync asset values"

6. Click the Blueleaf button to initiate the sync

This process will import all asset values from Blueleaf, according to the billing method you use (eg: if you bill quarterly on the end of period balance, this process will bring in the balances as of the end of the past quarter). After this is complete, click "apply billable assets".

What do I do next?

After you complete the steps above, look out for any red flag icons indicating that a client or account needs attention. If you need help with a red flag, you can follow the steps here.

Once you clear any flags that affect billable clients, you'll be able to go to the "invoices" and "payments" tabs to download your client invoices and .csv custodian export.

If you have any questions or encounter any problems while completing these steps, contact us at
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