Adding Manual or Offline Assets to Blueleaf
This article will show you how to add manual or offline assets on behalf of your clients.
In some cases, your client may have assets that aren't accessible online. Since you still want to give them a complete view of their assets, you'll want them to add them to Blueleaf for your clients.
Adding a new Manual Holding
First, you will want to log into your Blueleaf dashboard and click on View Holdings.
On the Holdings page, click on the Add New Manual Holding button on the left.
Here is where you can select the name of your client/household, enter the holding name, value, and the date. Updating these values regularly and adding any related cash-flow transactions will allow Blueleaf to accurately calculate the performance of these assets.
Here is an example entry.
Once you have clicked Add, you see the record under the client.
Editing an Existing Manual Holding
To locate a manual holding you created previously, you can filter by type of holding and search for the name of a client household with the holding.
Clicking the edit button next to a holding will bring you to a details page, where you can enter additional values and transactions for the holding by toggling between the tabs. You can also edit any existing balances or transactions by clicking on the "-" to the right of the value.